Thursday, July 30, 2009

Soul + Spirit

Isn't it a bit reflective of a momentous Divine Comedy, or pray tell a Tragedy as well, that when we view life through a Tetragramattical lens, we may well begin to learn that no one can fool the living God?

During the past two years of my own ministry, I have had numerous encounters with a wide berth of persons who seem to think that opportunism and a "by whatever means necessary" methodology can somehow pass for Biblical authenticity. But even as Paul makes it clear that "some preach Christ out of envy or rivalry" (Phi. 1: 15-17), it is incumbent on me to point out that while such practices may not hinder the Gospel from expanding in scope or breadth, we should in no way construe that if our own vantage point is sullied by envy and rivalry that we have earned the trust or benediction of the living God.

We should all be quick to remember what the Apostle Paul also says when he articulates: "Test yourself and see if you are in the faith. Do you not know that you belong to Christ Jesus, unless of course you've failed the test?" (2 Cor. 13:5) So while church history has been littered with counter-Christos charlatans who somehow carried their fraudulence all the way to the Judgment, again I say isn't it a bit late in the adjudication of Christian apologetics for so many double-minded people to be faking their salvific verbiage?

Over and over again in the New Testament, The Lord Himself warns about the nature of the heart and the presiding illusions which reside therein. Every person on planet earth today claiming to be a Christian who tries to tamper with the Galatians 1 Gospel, or who again endeavors to use the Godhead as a means for personal advancement or selfish gain will face a grisly and final end to such myopic tomfoolery. And with all the manifest blessings which ensue and unfold when we are truly walking with the Tetragrammaton, why would any of us want to cheapen the Word of Truth anyway, when all that is necessary for greater unction and joy is the willingness to undergo the refiner's fire as He purges our dross and decay, and replaces the detritus with an enduring skein of abundance and life?

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