Friday, August 28, 2009

The Perils of Our Age

I believe you and I can both agree, at least periodically, that we are living in perilous times. Much unrest abounds in the hearts of many, no matter where we are currently residing. So much heartache and betrayal, at the very least: and so many more live under the tyranny of fascist or negligent regimes which quash all human creativity, freedom, and individual dignity.  How did our lot become so stricken with such plight and ignominy? What became of the war to end all wars, or again, the free love generation which followed not so many decades later?

Why is it that, generation after generation, we try, as human beings, to codify a nouveau sense of designation for our own ilk, and thus declare that we, the current alignment of humanity, have arrived at a secure plateau of liberation, or enlightenment? While this type of collective pep speech may sound sophisticated, or mildly comforting, is it not true that by and large our own individual realities are not commensurate with such idealism, or such idyllic notions of human evolution?

I believe it is far more accurate and honest for each of us to appraise what stock we are truly buying into, this side of eternity. Is it the stock of denotative love and fidelity to our closest friends?  Is it a stock whose value increases per quarter because we are consistently broadening our reservoir of confidential trust and accountable counsel with those who benefit from our time and, pray tell, our wisdom?

In other words, let me pose the question of the Ages, which shouldn't flummox you for very long, even if you are not a self-professing student of Scripture.  Simply stated, what did the Lord Jesus Christ say were the two greatest commandments?  And subsumed within this query, what are the immediate implications for you, when you weigh and consider what this divine edict confers to you?  Which friends do you need to devote more time to, and which activities or mutual efforts can you and your primary allies mutually engage in, so that you may promote the light and glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

If you are not currently disposed to endorsing the Christian faith, let me remind and exhort you to look into what the man who claimed to be God declared were the two greatest commandments, and in so doing, consider whether or not, even if you don't currently affirm faith in Christ, such a mandate seems like an injunction that most people, at a cursory glance, would agree is an important "mindset"  to maintain, even if they disagree that it is predicated on the God of the Bible.  (I'm not playing word games with you: rather, I'm keenly aware that you and I both possess a divine imprimatur on our very personages which we simply cannot gainsay.  This imprimatur affirms to us that we have an eternal calling and destiny to heed and follow, the journey of which will most assuredly be exciting and increasingly meaningful...)

But will we heed the call of the Master who beckons, with outstretched arms and open benediction awaiting us? Or will we shrink back in denial or accusation, capitulating into a defeatist mindset of compromise and languor?  I pray that we attend to the first choice- that of the call of denotative which is sincere and knows no guile or avarice.

My sincerest best to you as you consider my words,
with the Shekinah glory of the living God as my bulwark,



  1. well said. Maybe too well said ...;)

  2. Is that said with wryness, or with more of a concession that my handling of this subject matter hits home, due in large part to the current malaise of America and our largely vapid culture?
