Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Case For a Creator

Many of us in the Christian world take delight in expanding our horizons in areas that may not derive from our main points of expertise. Certainly, we find ourselves terminologically confounded, at times, when a given inquiry into a discipline is met with arcane esoterica and argumentations with which we simply can't identify.

And it probably would be an understatement that the realm of science, and all of its subsets, can often prove to be an academic impasse which obstructs many a lay theologian from conceptual clarity. This said, Lee Strobel, in back-to-back-to-back fashion (and there is now one more "The Case For..." installment, which I can't wait to absorb!) has reached a zenith which is demonstrably one of the most profound lay handlings of Creationism I've ever encountered. With terminology which doesn't shirk its scientific associations, Lee once again has used his journalistic abilities to assemble a fascinating expose on many advanced scientific criteria which undergird the Creation model.

Remember to read The Case For Christ and The Case For Faith, as well!
(All highly invigorating reads...I'm a big fan!)

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