Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Christ's Parables in the 4 Gospels

A Thorough (but not exhaustive) List:

1. The House on the Rock: Mt. 7:24/ Lk. 6:48
2.The Sower: Mt. 13:3/ Mk. 4:1/ Lk. 8:4
3. The Weeds: Mt. 13:24
4. Mustard Seed: Mt. 13:31/ Mk. 4:30/ Lk. 13:19
5. The Yeast: Mt. 13:33/ Lk. 13:21
6. Hidden Treasure/The Pearl: Mt. 13:44
7. Parable of the Net: Mt. 13:47
8. The Lost Sheep: Mt. 18:10/ Lk. 15:3
9. Unmerciful Servant: Mt. 18:10/ Lk. 15:3
10. Workers in the Vineyard: Mt. 18:23
11. The Two Sons: Mt. 21:28
12. The Wicked Tenants: Mt. 21:33/ Mk. 12:1/ Lk. 20:9/ (*Isa. 5:1)
13. The Wedding Banquet: Mt. 22:1/ Lk. 14:16
14. Ten Virgins: Mt. 25:1
15. The Parable of the Talents: Mt. 25:14/ Lk. 19:12
16. Sheep and Goats: Mt. 25:31
17. The Growing Seed: Mk. 4:26
18. The Lighted Candle: Mt. 5:15/ Mk. 4:21/ Lk. 11:33
19. The Good Samaritan: Lk. 10:30
20. The Rich Fool: Lk. 12:16
21. Barren Fig Tree: Lk. 13:6 (*compare Mt. 21:19/ Mk. 11:13)
22. The Lost Coin: Lk. 15:8
23. Prodigal Son: Lk. 15:11
24. Shrewd Manager: Lk. 16:1
25. The Rich Man and Lazarus: Lk. 16:19
26. Unprofitable Servants: Lk. 17:7
27: Persistent Widow/ Unjust Judge: Lk. 18:2

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