Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Principles of Intercessory Prayer

(Early on in my Christian ministry, I compiled this enumeration of several Biblical precepts for effectual, life-impacting, God-moving prayer:)

Intercessory Prayer:


1. Not common prayer
(or recited prayer)
2. Not "conversational" prayer
("Dear God, please help uncle Sam")
3. Not companionable prayer
(you lift me up, and Ill do the same, bro)

*although all of the preceding notions
can have their connotative place within
one's prayer dialogue, they each serve as a
sort of rudder to steer our souls into a deeper
rapport with Jehovah God, through the Blood
of the Lamb, and the power of the Spirit.

And here's the other side of the equation...

Intercessory Prayer:

1. Is compassionate prayer (we are moved in our
spirits, whether for people, places, or countries;
moved, primarily, out of the overflow of our hearts)

2. Is created prayer (giving birth to the impossible
improvisations that emerge when God's Spirit is conjoined
unto our thoughts and intents, rightly dividing our motives
and aligning our allegiances)

3. Is combative prayer (spiritual strongholds are
summarily exposed and defeated, as discernment
is provided unto the sympathetic intercessor)


  1. I don't know if my prior comment will reach you Rob. This is Great writing. I know first hand as I own all of your writings since childhood and wonderful papers you wrote while in high school. Wonderful stuff!!


  2. Much credit goes to Dr. Leeman, mom. An exemplar of proper grammatical and linguistic discipline! Her stringent emphasis upon authentic literary analysis has left an eternal and indelible mark on my own forays into an ever-broadening universe of divine ideas and grapplings....
